Dr. Robert Ciprian’s Portland Practice

Dr. Ciprian’s Portland practice

Dr. Robert Ciprian and Dr. Christina Sahni

Dr. Robert Ciprian and Dr. Christina Sahni

I am relocating to the Washington, DC area as of January 2015. I am honored to have Dr. Christina Sahni Radie take my place at my Portland office. Dr. Sahni has been a student and mentee of mine for several years. She has been helping me in the office recently and I am excited about her ability to bring exceptional holistic care to my patients.

Dr. Sahni is a Doctor of Naturopathy and is a well trained Applied Kinesiology doctor who practices in a similar style to me. To make an appointment with her you can use the same phone number that you have used for me in the past: 503-222-5509.

Dr. Christina Sahni’s website: http://drcsahni.com

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